Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Were required to make a framed photo out of something unusual. This was why i took a photo through a chain linked fence.


For this project we were required to try and take a silhouette photo which i really struggled with but after looking it up i figured out how to do it. While in town the other day i found the opportunity to get one and i did.

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

Before and After

I walked up to the water fountain and prior to using it there was no water coming out. Once I started using the water fountain water came out. Before and After.

Free Choice

For one of our photography assignments we were required to take a picture of what ever we want. I took a picture of Mrs.Dewitt because she is my favorite teacher and deserves the honor of being on my blog.

Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Spray Paint

For this project we were supposed to make an outer space scene using only spray paint. I chose a red planet and a purple planet which was all i could do since i struggled when trying to make mountains.